Construction of the Sawla-Key Afer Electric Power Installation Project which cost more than 418 million birr has gone operational, according to Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP).
EEP indicated that the project, which is part of the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), is benefiting 16 towns and rural areas in 4 woredas/districts/ of Gamo Gofa and South Omo zones.
The 112 km high power transmission line installed in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP) Regional State can carry 132 kilo volt.
This will raise the length of transmission lines in the country to 13,000 kilometers, it was indicated.
EEP intends to increase the high power transmission line which was 10,000 km before the Growth and Transformation (GTP) period to 17, 000 km by the end of this Ethiopian fiscal year, the head added.
Source: ENA