Two Harare businessmen have been fined US$ 4 500 by Zesa Holdings for illegally connecting electricity at their business premises. The matter only came to light after the Zesa loss control unit, acting on a tip-off, inquired and confirmed that the owner of Big Apple, a Nigerian, Mr Christian Okeke and one Mr Matanhire operating a butchery at Sakumwaya Building had connected power illegally. Zesa fined Mr Matinhire US$ 3 000 for by-passing and tampering with the metre while Mr Okeke was fined US $ 1 500 for the same offence.
Tampering with electricity is a criminal offence. Zesa spokesperson Mr Fullard Gwasira yesterday confirmed that the two businessmen had connected electricity illegally. He said his organisation had reported the matter to the police.
“We were tipped off by the public and this is a demonstration of what happens when the public and Zesa work together in identifying people tampering with electricity metres,” he said. “We have already handed the matter to the police. We will make further investigations and do our best to recover all the money.”
However, Mr Matanhire denied the allegations arguing that his business was yet to be opened and that no electricity had been connected at this premises.
Zesa appealed to members of the public to desist from connecting electricity illegally.