Tag Archives: tracking

EIA tracking tool shows light-sweet crude oil imports to Gulf Coast virtually eliminated

February 10, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Note: Heavy crude has an API gravity <= 27. Light crude has an API gravity >= 35. Medium crude has an API gravity between 27 and 35. Sweet crude has 0.5% sulfur content or less. Sour crude has more than 0.5% sulfur content. The increase in U.S. […]

Solar photovoltaic output depends on orientation, tilt, and tracking

November 19, 2014 Source: EIA, based on National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s , using default input values except as noted Note: Tilted systems are assumed to be mounted with a 20-degree tilt from horizontal. The assumed system size is one kilowatt of direct current, with output in watthours of alternating current. Financial incentives, renewable portfolio standards, […]

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