September 30, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration; Advanced Resources International Inc. (ARI); China National Petroleum Corporation’s (CNPC) Economics and Technology Research Institute; Sinopec; and Platts Note: Component cost is based on EIA/ARI component-based cost model and assumes average well depth of 11,500 feet, with 4,000 feet of horizontal drilling. 2013 cost data are based […]
By Lawrence Segbefia Ghana’s gas woes will soon be a thing of the past as the Ministry of Petroleum prepares to present to cabinet, a comprehensive Gas Master Plan aimed at addressing infrastructure challenges and gas delivery in the country. The document which is yet to reach cabinet in a few weeks will also address […]
September 29, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Petroleum Association of Japan, Japan Ministry of Finance International Trade Statistics, Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Bloomberg LP Note: Values for North Sea Brent and Japanese customs-cleared (JCC) crude oil prices converted to $ /MMBtu on an energy-equivalent basis. The official reporting of Japan spot […]
We began looking into the use of water jets to deal with energetic materials (a group that includes, but is not limited to, explosives) at the beginning of the 1980’s. One of the earliest questions dealt with the need to find the jet pressures at which the explosive materials would react to the impact of […]
September 28, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Outages at U.S. nuclear power plants were extremely low this summer (June through August), averaging 2.9 gigawatts (GW), or less than 3% of total U.S. nuclear capacity. During four days in August, outages dropped to just 0.1 GW out of a total U.S. nuclear capacity of 98.7 […]
interview Khartoum — The Sudanese Minister of Petroleum and Gas, Mohamed Zayed Awad, said that Sudan managed to indigenize the oil industry due to the mutually beneficial cooperation with China. Both countries developed a working model which can be followed during their 20 years of cooperation in the oil industry based on mutual respect and […]
By Gerald Viola American Energy Company has committed to establish a plant in Malawi by 2016 in order to reduce power deficit hitting the southern African country. Paul Hinks, Chief Executive Director of US Energy Company who is also the Chairperson of Copper Council disclosed this during the lecture on Democratization and Economic Self Reliance […]
September 25, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Inventories of distillate fuel oil in the U.S. East Coast are higher now than they have been in the previous three years, reaching 59 million barrels on September 18. Most of the recent increase is in the Central Atlantic region, but inventories are also higher in New […]
press release Cabinet this week approved the appointments of Dr. Ben Ngubane as Chairperson of Eskom’s Board, Brian Molefe as Chief Executive and Anoj Singh as Chief Financial Officer of the State-Owned Company. “I welcome these appointments and they are part of my ongoing interventions to stabilise Eskom. “Dr. Ngubane has steadied the company since […]
September 24, 2015 Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Energy Information Administration Note: 2015 data are the average of the first two quarters. Low oil prices, if sustained, could mark the beginning of a long-term drop in upstream oil and natural gas investment. Oil prices reflect supply and demand balances, with increasing prices often […]
September 23, 2015 Source: Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)Note: Reactivated mines are those mines with production reported in previous years but not in the preceding year. The number of new and reactivated coal mines that began production in 2013 fell to the lowest level in at least the past 10 years. The addition of […]
By Dane Mcdonald Who pays in the event of a nuclear accident? This was the hypothetical question asked by a Japanese nuclear expert who was delivering a lecture on nuclear energy policy issues in the post-Fukushima nuclear accident era. Former vice chair of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission, Dr Tatsujiro Suzuki, told Fin24 that South […]
September 22, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, based on Baker Hughes Inc.Note: GOM is Gulf of Mexico. In response to the decline in crude oil prices since mid-2014, the number of active offshore rigs has declined worldwide, dropping close to 20%—304 offshore rigs were operating in August 2015, down from 377 in August 2014. […]
Source: Vanguard NGR