analysis By Mark New, University of Cape Town Africa is the , with the fastest growing population. Rapid and sustained economic development is needed to overcome poverty. This development will need energy, and lots of it. The challenge is to do this without warming the planet further, as this would cause additional dangerous climate impacts […]
Tag Archives: carbon
August 5, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Note: Data exclude emissions from biomass energy consumption. The electric power sector emitted 128 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (MMmt CO2) in April 2015, the lowest for any month since April 1988, according to the most recent estimates in EIA’s . In any year, April is […]
analysis By Saliem Fakir, Stellenbosch University The furore over the carbon tax in South Africa that is playing itself out both in public and behind closed doors is leading to an . General responses to the carbon tax have tended to be overly dramatic. For example, major emitters and users of fossil fuels say it […]
April 20, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, For the second year in a row, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the United States have increased. However, unlike 2013, when emissions and gross domestic product (GDP) grew at similar rates (2.5% and 2.2%, respectively), 2014’s CO2 emissions growth rate of 0.7% was much smaller than […]
March 11, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, based on California’s Air Resources Board: California and Quebec have announced the completion of their . Despite geographical distance and economic differences, California and Quebec have worked to align their CO2 emissions markets and policies. Previous auctions sold emissions allowances for electric generators and large industrial sources. […]
South Africa has made good progress on climate policy, but that could be held up by a new emerging political economy in the country that can only be described as “more coal, more nuclear, and more gas”, said Saliem Fakir of the WWF . Sadly for South Africans, while there is an understanding of the […]
July 30, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2014 In the (AEO2014), EIA projects that the price of oil will largely determine whether to use carbon dioxide (CO2) enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technologies to extract additional crude oil from existing producing fields. The injection of CO2 gas into oil reservoirs at high […]