July 7, 2015 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, based on the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, and state agenciesNote: Production excludes refuse coal. Coal production data for 2014 are preliminary. Coal production from mines with mountaintop removal (MTR) permits has declined since 2008, more than the downward […]
Tag Archives: using
One of the considerable disadvantages in using garnet and other similar minerals as a cutting agent in abrasive waterjet cutting is that the particles fragment during the mixing process, and when they hit the target. As a result (as noted in the last post) less than 50% and often much less than that can be […]
September 22, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy StatisticsNote: . Penetration rates of no-carbon generation have increased from 50% to 56% in recent years in Europe, as European Union countries work toward renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets. Increasing levels of renewable generation, along with nuclear generation, mean that many European countries […]
July 30, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2014 In the (AEO2014), EIA projects that the price of oil will largely determine whether to use carbon dioxide (CO2) enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technologies to extract additional crude oil from existing producing fields. The injection of CO2 gas into oil reservoirs at high […]