EIA’s long-term outlook for the electric power sector considers both the cost to build and operate power plants as well as the value those plants provide to the grid. A supplemental report to EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2018 (AEO2018) describes two simple measures of cost and value to show how certain technologies can be compared […]
Tag Archives: economics
opinion By Girma Feyissa The world seems to be suddenly losing its thirst for oil. The price is falling to an all-time low. At this time, it is selling for 54.07 dollars per barrel in the world market. Oil had changed the game of the global market since 1973, when it had skyrocketed to an […]
July 10, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, EIA-860, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Note: Capacity values prior to 1989 are estimates. Existing capacity includes conventional hydroelectric and pumped storage. New stream-reach developments are stream segments without an existing dam. Expansions add power to existing dams. Some expansions are included in the Annual […]